August 24, 2007


Download:  Here

What was discussed:  MMORPGs Breed Actual Friendships; Arcade Game Breaks Arms; NPD Group: July Canadian Game Sales; Sony Facing Another PS3 Lawsuit; Jam Session Setlist Revealed; Rock Band Coming To PS2; New Tony Hawk Gets Guitar Hero 3 Demo; MTV Devotes $500 Million To Games

Dennis’s Nickname:  The Dingo Warrior

Blast From the Past:  WWF Superstars (Game Boy | April 1991)

Code of the Week:  Guitar Hero 80s Edition (PS2)

August 17, 2007


Download:  Here

What was discussed:  “Kill Or Convert” Game Going To Iraq; Bank Goes Belly Up In Second Life; Halo 3 Tops 1 Million Pre-orders; Microsoft Offers 4 XNA Game Deals; UbiSoft Headed To The Silver Screen; EA Defends Sluggish Madden 08; Rockstar Bringing Table Tennis, Bully To Wii; Bret Michaels To Rock Guitar Hero III

Dennis’s Nickname:  The Ultimate Warrior Is Insane

Blast From the Past:  Punch-Out (NES | Oct. 1987)

Code of the Week:  Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 (PS2)

August 10, 2007


Download:  Here

What was discussed:  Vancouver Police Recruiting Through Second Life; HMV UK Has A Metal Gear Solid 4/ X360 Freudian Slip; Grand Theft Auto IV Delayed Till ’08; Microsoft Confirms Xbox 360 Price Cuts; New World of Warcraft Expansion Unveiled; NPD Group: June Canadian Game Sales; NPD Group: June US Game Sales; Microsoft Game Division Loses Nearly $2 Billion; Peter Moore Ditches Microsoft, Joins EA

Dennis’s Nickname:  The Lost Soul Bent On Revenge

Blast From the Past:  The Immortals – Mortal Kombat: The Album (Album | May 1994)

Code of the Week:  Ultimate Spider-Man  (GC)

August 3, 2007


Download:  Here

What was discussed:  Jostens Giving Out Rings In Madden; ReBoot Gets A Reboot; Sony Discontinuing 60GB PS3; Wii Fit Announced; Wii Gets A Zapper; New PSP Model Coming This Fall; Smash Bros. & Super Mario Galaxy Get Dates; Microsoft Unveils Halo 3 Xbox; Guitar Hero 3 Setlist Grows

Dennis’s Nickname:  Whhhoooaaa… Sub-Zero, Ancient Chinese Ninja Warrior, with a heart soooo cold…

Blast From the Past:  Meet The Feebles (Movie | Dec. 1989)

Code of the Week:  SimCity DS  (DS)