September 25, 2009


Download: Here

What was discussed: Drug Bust Turns Into Wii Sports Party, New Dreamcast Game To Be Released, Left 4 Dead 2 Banned: EA Responds, Wolfenstein Removed From German Shelves, News from the Tokyo Game Show: Nintendo Officially Cuts Wii To $200, Microsoft Reveals Natal Publisher Support, New Super Mario Bros. Wii Due Nov. 15 and sad news for fans of Goldeneye, with no chance of Virtual console or XBLA releases.

Dennis’s Nickname: The Johnny O’Binome

Blast From the Past: Goldeneye (1997, N64)

Code of the Week: Scribblenauts (DS)

September 18, 2009

Listen:Download: Here

What was discussed: Iggy Pop Appearing In Lego Rock Band, The Madden Curse Strikes Again, MS Confirms 250GB Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Bundle & Zune HD To Play 3D Games, Spawn Labs Launches A Slingbox For Your Xbox and Uncharted 2 Will Link To Your Twitter. Also featured: Bonus The Arcade rant on Twitter!

Dennis’s Nickname: The man who wants to see that episode of The Simpsons again where Marge is afraid of flying and Homer tries to cure her fear by making her watch a series of terrible plane crash movies.

Blast From the Past: Castlevania (NES, 1986(Japan) 87(NA) 88(EU))

Code of the Week: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (PS2)

Also worth a look:

September 11, 2009

Listen:Download: Here

What was discussed: Level 80 Dwarf Priest Running For Political Office, Courtney Love’s Twitter Explosion Over Cobain In Guitar Hero, Beatles Rock Band DLC Dates Given, Beatles Rock Band Could Pay $40M In Royalties, Disney Studios Acquires Halo Creator and Sonic The Hedgehog returning to glorious 2D in 2010.

Dennis’s Nickname: The Comically Overdone Sound Effects

Blast From the Past: Final Fantasy 6 (SNES, PSX, GBA, etc, etc, etc)

Code of the Week: SimCity Creator (DS)

Also worth a look:
Star Trek: TNG Video:

The Guitar Hero 5 Video that sent Courtney Love back off the deep end:

September 4, 2009


Download: Here

What was discussed: The cheapening of the Guinness World Records, The positivie brain effects of Tetris, Disney purchasing Marvel (for a LOT of money), Free Guitar Hero: Van Halen offer, the setlist of Guitar Hero: Van Halen explained (or rationalised), and OnLive entering beta testing.

Dennis’s Nickname: The man who is learning 5 languages

Blast From the Past: Final Fantasy 4 (SNES, PSX, GBA, DS, etc, etc, etc)

Code of the Week: Guitar Hero 5