September 26, 2008


Download:  Here

What was discussed:  Jack Thompson Disbarred; Metallica Album Sounds Better In Guitar Hero; Midway Unveils MK vs. DC Roster; Blizzard Reveals Wrath Of The Lich King Release Date; Guitar Hero World Tour Complete Setlist Revealed

Dennis’s Nickname:  The Go-Gurt

Blast From the Past:  Solstice  (NES | June 1990)

Code of the Week:  Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS3)

September 12, 2008


Download:  Here

What was discussed:  UbiSoft Backing Games For Hearing Impaired; Stephen Colbert DNA Launched Into Space; Duke Nukeum Movie A Possibility; Guitar Hero Touring With Sting, Tool; Kojima Critical Of Massive Game Ad Campaigns; Nintendo Working On “Better” Storage Solution; Tecmo Rejects Square Enix, In Talks With Koei

Dennis’s Nickname:  The 877-Cash-Now

Blast From the Past:  Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road  (NES | 1988)

Code of the Week:  TNA Impact (PS3)


September 5, 2008


Download:  Here

What was discussed:  Guitar Hero Gets Christian Rock Clone; 9/11 Space Invaders Exhibit Shut Down; Xbox 360 Arcade Cheapest System On Market; EA Unveils Celebrity Sports Showdown; Spore Spreading To TV, Movies

Dennis’s Nickname:  The Man Who Mourns Don LaFontaine

Blast From the Past:  Mortal Kombat II (SNES, Genesis | 1994)

Code of the Week:  Bionic Commando Rearmed (PS3)