June 28, 2013 – E3 Wrap-up (Part 3)

Friends, we take this week to wrap-up our E3 coverage with a pretty little bow.  That is to say, we spend this weeks show catching up on the tidbits of news that have fallen through our filter in the past two weeks.  Up for discussion this week is Tom Clancy’s The Division, Project Spark, the new Killer Instinct game being free-to-play, Nintendo saying they’ll jump into the waters of free-to-play games with Steel Diver, Peter Dinklage lending his voice to Destiny, and Insomniac unveiling their latest effort, Sunset Overdrive.

Dennis’ Nickname:  The man who believes in ridiculous weekend road trips

Blast From The Past:  Justice League / Justice League Unlimited (TV Show / Nov. 2001 – May 2006)

June 21, 2013 – E3 Wrap-up (Part 2)

Friends, we keep the E3 train a-rolling this week by discussing the latest Nintendo Direct video.  We’ll also delve into some of the biggest games of E3, like Destiny, TitanFall and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.  Oh, and what would a show this week be without us talking about Microsoft pulling the old “Oops, my bad” trick.

Dennis’ Nickname:  The man who would love to watch a Phil Anselmo cooking show.

Blast From The Past:  Last Action Hero (Movie / June 18, 1993)

June 14, 2013 – E3 Wrap-up (Part 1)

Friends, this week we devote all of our time and energy to part one of our E3 wrap-up.  On this episode, we’ll focus on what undoubtedly was the main event of the week, the heavyweight tilt between Sony and Microsoft.

Dennis’ Nickname:  Ze Grillmeister Übermensch

Blast From The Past:  Jurassic Park (Movie / June 1993)

Also worth a look:

June 7, 2013

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:  The man who is again donning a tinfoil hat to formulate more Kojima-fueled conspiracy theories.

Blast From The Past:  Blind Guardian – Nightfall in Middle Earth (Album – April 1998)