June 30, 2017 – No Show This Week

Hey friends,

Just wanted to give you all a friendly reminder that we’re off this week so that Dennis and I can celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday this weekend.  Don’t worry, we’ll be back with a brand-new show for your listening pleasure next week on Friday, July 7th.

In the meantime, we encourage you to get your fill of our smooth sounds by checking out the many past episodes available for download on both our iTunes and Google Play pages.

June 23, 2017 – E3 Wrap-up (Part 2)

Ludicrous Leadoff:

E3 News of the Week

Ubisoft Recap:

Bethesda Recap:

EA Recap:

Games Moved To 2018 Releases:

More Nintendo News:


Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who always has been and will always be a fan of epic, soaring guitar harmonies.

Blast From The Past:

June 16, 2017 – E3 Wrap-up (Part 1)

Ludicrous Leadoff:

E3 News of the Week:

Microsoft Recap:

Nintendo Recap:

Sony Recap:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who thinks this year’s E3 Was More Of An “Ehh-3”

Blast From The Past:

June 9, 2017

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man forever indebted to Ding Huan

Blast From The Past:

June 2, 2017

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who puts the bare minimum amount of effort into his lawn

Blast From The Past: