August 8, 2008 – All Music Spectacular


Download:  Here

What was played:  This week, we forgo our standard format in favour of bringing you some choice musical selections.  Featured on the show are cuts from Arnocorps, Nobuo Uematsu, XOC, Shnabubula, and the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain!   

Dennis’s Nickname:  The Staff Appreciation Day BBQ

Blast From the Past:  N/A

Code of the Week:  N/A

August 1, 2008 – E3 Wrap-Up Part 2


Download:  Here

What was discussed:  Pretty In Pink, Clueless, Mean Girls Games On Tap; Playstation 2 Component Incites African Violence; Guitar Hero World Tour Getting Hendrix Experience; Guitar Hero, Rock Band Instruments Cross Compatible; Nintendo Unveils New Animal Crossing; Nintendo Shows Off WiiMusic

Dennis’s Nickname:  The Studio Gangsta

Blast From the Past:  N/A

Code of the Week:  N/A