June 17, 2011


Download: Here

What was discussed: Part 2 of our wrap-up of E3.

Dennis’s Nickname: The man who follows the destruction caused by riots due to the fall of governments and of hockey teams…. on Facebook!

Blast From the Past: N/A

June 3, 2011


Download: Here

What was discussed: Poland Gives President Obama A Video Game As A Gift, Researchers Use Video Game To Study Infant Language, Call of Duty: Elite Announced As Premium Tier Pay Service, Call of Duty: Elite To Possibly Feature Web Series, Capcom Officially Announces Phoenix Wright Movie, Grand Theft Auto IV’s Liberty City Gets Google Street View, Smithsonian Selects 80 Games To Be Part of Exhibit

Dennis’s Nickname: The 64 Grand In The Hole

Blast From the Past: Rad Racer (NES, October 1987)