September 5, 2014

Ludicrous Leadoff:

The Tick Series Coming Back As An Amazon Pilot

News Of The Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The proud new father of a bouncing baby Retron 5

Blasts From The Past:

June 20, 2014 – E3 Wrap-up (Part 2)

Friends, this week we’ll dive into some stories from E3 that are small in size, but big in heart!

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who is basking in the warm glow of  the many positive reviews for his band, Dissolution‘s third album, Natural Selection

Blast From The Past:

May 9, 2014

Ludicrous Leadoff:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who can’t believe that it only took 60 years to make a good looking Godzilla movie

Blast From The Past:

Super Size Me (Documentary / May 7, 2004)

Also worth a look:

April 11, 2014

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who sneers at Neil Young and the supposed fidelity of his “Pono player” since he now owns a record player.

Blast From The Past:

Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (Movie / April 16, 2004)