October 29, 2021 – Halloween Music Special

Come one, come all and listen if you dare, to our Halloween show that will give you a scare.  The plan this year is to make Halloween killer, with songs aplenty that give you a chiller.  We play tunes about people who like to kill, all to give you people a great big thrill.  There’s music about psychos and songs with horns.  There’s even a song about that dreaded candy corn.  So open your ears and let the sound flow in between as we bring you this show for Halloween.

What Was Played:
(click on the links below to listen!)

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who thinks that this year’s worst Halloween costume is a “Sexy Anti-Vaxxer”.

October 22, 2021 – Away This Week

Hey y’all,

As mentioned at the tail end of our last episode, The Arcade is away this week on account of both Mike and Dennis being away and nowhere near a recording space. While engaged in their own separate travels, they do hope to cross paths, though it won’t be for long enough to knock out a new show.  Don’t worry, The Arcade will return next week with its annual Halloween special!

In the meantime, we encourage you to get your fill of our smooth sounds by checking out the many past episodes available for download on both our iTunes and Google Play pages.

October 17, 2021

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who will actually be buying Halloween candy this year…. For the kids, of course.

Blast From The Past:

October 8, 2021 – Away This Week

Hey friends,

Just wanted to give you all a friendly reminder that The Arcade is off this week so that Mike and Dennis can enjoy the Thanksgiving long weekend that’s happening here in Canada.  Don’t worry, we’re aiming to be back with a brand-new show for your listening pleasure next week!

In the meantime, we encourage you to get your fill of our smooth sounds by checking out the many past episodes available for download on both our iTunes and Google Play pages.

October 3, 2021

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who curses ill-built kitchen appliances

Blast From The Past: