October 29, 2021 – Halloween Music Special

Come one, come all and listen if you dare, to our Halloween show that will give you a scare.  The plan this year is to make Halloween killer, with songs aplenty that give you a chiller.  We play tunes about people who like to kill, all to give you people a great big thrill.  There’s music about psychos and songs with horns.  There’s even a song about that dreaded candy corn.  So open your ears and let the sound flow in between as we bring you this show for Halloween.

What Was Played:
(click on the links below to listen!)

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who thinks that this year’s worst Halloween costume is a “Sexy Anti-Vaxxer”.

October 11, 2019

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who is surprised to find that all it has taken for him to play through Link’s Awakening is improved graphics, numerous quality of life improvements and a fully orchestral score

Blast From The Past:

September 7, 2018

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News Of The Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who always falls for a good Metroidvania

Blast From The Past:

October 21, 2016

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who is astounded at how quickly someone can use social media to torpedo their own public image

Blast From The Past:

August 12, 2016

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who can now officially declare that there are too many ways to kill time on the internet.

Blast From The Past:

June 24, 2016 – E3 Wrap-up (Part 2)

Friends, this week is part two of our E3 wrap-up where we focus on the other big news and noteworthy items to come out of last week’s event in Los Angeles.

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who is oddly enthralled by this Brexit vote

Blast From The Past:

April 1, 2016

Ludicrous Leadoff:

News Of The Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who says: “Great Googly Moogly!  I may contribute to a Kickstarter after all!”
(check out the Frank Zappa Kickstarter page for yourself here)

Blast From The Past:

October 9, 2015

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News Of The Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who now endeavors to enter all ballot box contests he sees.

Blast From The Past:

August 6, 2015

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News Of The Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The Vacation Beard

Blast From The Past:

October 10, 2014

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News Of The Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who wonders which Archie character will first utter the phraseIf it bleeds, we can kill it!

Blasts From The Past: