October 3, 2014

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News Of The Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The Tupperware King

Blasts From The Past:

August 29, 2014

Ludicrous Leadoff:

Scottish Scientists Regrow A Whole Organ Inside Of A Mouse

News Of The Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who is both heartened and angered by the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Blast From The Past:

Hero (Movie / Aug. 27, 2004)

Also Worth A Look:

August 1, 2014

Ludicrous Leadoffs:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The man who might be too excited for Mike Tyson Mysteries

Blasts From The Past:

January 31, 2014

Ludicrous Leadoff:

News of the Week:

Dennis’ Nickname:

The Man who is proud to announce his return to the world of hockey after a near 20 year hiatus.

Blast From The Past:

Silent Hill (PlayStation / Jan. 31, 1999)